Monday 8 April 2013

DCSE Successfully Organized Industrial Trip

DCSE Successfully Organized Industrial Trip for 6th Semester to Sebiz Mohali and netsmartz IT Park
Chandigarh on March 05, 2013

Students @ Sebiz Mohali 

Students @ Netsmartz
This industrial trip was organized to give the practical exposure to the students and let them know about the latest advancements in the IT industry. This visit was done in Sebiz, Mohali and Netsmartez IT Park, Chandigarh.  This made the students aware of the latest partial projects and the working in the professional environment.  Students were accomplished by Er. Sunil Nagpal, HOD DCSE, Er. G.S. Mann, HOD DIT, Er. Ashu Bansal, Er. Rajdeep Kaur Virk ,Er. Rishamjot Kaur and Er. Kartik Sharma.

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